At RVA Pediatric Dentistry, we know the importance of a healthy diet as well as good oral hygiene as part of a child’s optimal dental health, and we want parents and kids to know how important they are too. Parents can help with healthy food choices by making “natural tooth brushing” foods readily available such as: 

  • raw celery 
  • carrots 
  • apples 

Generally, parents guard against excessive amounts of cavity-causing foods like candy, cake, soda and other sugar-filled treats. But did you know that the following foods might also accelerate tooth decay in children?

Surprising Foods That Contribute to Tooth Decay

Foods that may contribute to tooth decay

  • Fruit — Fruit is great for snacking and ranks among the traditional four food groups we should include in our diets. It provides the satisfaction of a sweet taste without going “overboard,” as well as important nutrients and fiber. However, the carbohydrates found in fruit mimic sugar on the teeth. 
  • Crackers, Bread, and Cereals — Like fruits, these three staples of the American diet are carbohydrate-rich. Carbohydrates leave behind sugars on the teeth that promote a welcoming environment for bacteria in the mouth. 
  • Sports Drinks and Juice — Lunch boxes and after-school sports staples contain more sugars than we often realize. Some juices can be worse for children’s teeth than soda.
  • Potato Chips and Pretzels — These salty treats, in lunchbox portions, may rank among children’s favorite snacks. The sticky nature of these foods causes them to cling to teeth, which increases the risk of tooth decay.

Everything in moderation is a good rule of thumb! Remember that children can still enjoy these snacks in moderation, however, it is important that they brush after consuming them. If your child is unable to brush at school, making it a habit to rinse his or her mouth with water after eating helps.

If you have any concerns about the foods and beverages that your child consumes, ask our dental team at your next appointment! We will let you know if you are selecting healthy choices for your children or foods that may contribute to tooth decay.